Oct 08, 2019
All Day
The Lake of the Ozarks Watershed Alliance, Inc. (LOWA) is pleased to announce their upcoming Fall Native Plant Sale, on October 8, 2019. It will be held at the Sunrise Beach Firehouse Training Center located at Highway 5 and Porter Mill Spring Road in Sunrise Beach, MO.
There will be a free “Lunch and Learn” at Noon followed by our guest speaker, Jodi Moulder with the Missouri Department of Conservation, speaking about “Native Plants, Not Just a Phase.” Informational booths available for you to enjoy, as well as selection of native plants onsite for you to purchase. All Pre-Orders can be picked up from 2pm-6pm as well. We will also be recognizing our 2019 LOWA Volunteer of the Year, as well as our Corporate Donors, so please come and enjoy this special event with us!
We offer over 300 different species of beautiful perennial native plants in quart and gallon sizes, at wholesale prices, ready for fall planting. These are all Missouri native plants, suited to local soils and climate. There is a complete list of native plants available on our LOWA Facebook Page. There will be Missouri Master Nationalists on site to help you with any questions you may have.
Questions can be addressed by Master Gardener Joann Billington at billington47@gmail.com or by calling 573-372-5168.
Did you know storm water runoff is the #1 pollutant of inland waterways? You can reduce runoff by using natives in your landscaping plans, and help birds and pollinators in the process.
LOWA is a citizen based 501c3 lake area non-profit with a mission to Preserve, Protect, & Improve the Lake of the Ozarks watershed, its waters and natural resources while maintaining the economic, social and environmental health of the lake.